Coach Development Project Launched!

Pearl Coast Gymnastics Club is pleased to share we have been the successful recipient of the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries’ Active Regional Communities Grant!

Regional Gymnastics Club’s like us often lack education and training due to the distance we have to travel in order to attend courses and workshops, making it hard for our coaches to develop and progress with their coaching abilities. This grant will help fund a Coach Development project which will see fortnightly coach development sessions hosted in-person by our Club Coach Educator, and virtually with partners like Gymnastics Australia, Gymnastics New South Wales and Nick Ruddock Gymnastics, among other professional development opportunities and resources!

The project will see coaches meeting once a fortnight over the course of the year where they will develop their coaching skills through interactive sessions with our Club Coach Educator, Amber, as well as online sessions! Staff will be exposed to a wide range of teaching techniques, skills, drills/exercises, as well as key areas like nutrition, mental health and supporting athletes at the competitive level! The project will also allow the club to obtain new resources to assist the delivery of gymnastics lessons!

This is a first for our club and the region, and we are excited to have this opportunity to develop our workforce so we can continue to deliver high quality gymnastics programs to the Broome community and our incredible members!

Among other new coaching development initiatives, we hope to accredit several new Fundamental Gymnastics Coaches and develop already qualified coaches!

Keep an eye out for updates as we develop our coaches and build a stronger workforce for our club!


If you or someone you know are looking to join the world of coaching we would love to hear from you! This is the perfect opportunity for high-school aged children to gain experience in leadership, coaching and working with kids! Reach out to us at [email protected] if you or your child is interested!

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