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Timetables, Fees and Important Dates

Documents are subject to change, without providing notification to you. 

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Term 1 Documents

Setup Levy: Levy charged to all students, per term for the support of our team to setup the gym each day.

Yearly Affiliation Fees

Affiliation fees are an annual charge that connects our club to Gymnastics Western Australia (GWA) and Gymnastics Australia (GA). These organizations oversee the sport of gymnastics in our region and nationwide, providing the resources and support that allow clubs like ours to operate safely and effectively. All affiliation expires on 31st December each year, and must be made again in the next year in order to participate in gymnastics again.

What Do Affiliation Fees Cover?

Affiliation fees help cover:

  • Insurance
  • Coach Training
  • Competition Access
  • Resources and Support

Who Pays Affiliation Fees?

Every athlete who participates in gymnastics through a regular class at an affiliated club, like Pearl Coast Gymnastics Club, is required to pay these fees annually. They are separate from class fees and go directly to GWA and GA, not to our club. Some people, like those who only attend once-off programs or events, or who are not ‘enrolled’ in a regular class, might not have to pay affiliation fees.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out at [email protected]